• You may replace a product within 24 hours of your order delivery time.
  • If there is a manufacturing defect or the wrong product is delivered then the replacement delivery charges need not be paid by the customer.
  • If the product replaces due to other reasons then the replacement delivery charges have to be borne by the customer.
  • A product’s part or entire sales package will be replaced depending on the defect.
  • Any signs of physical or incidental damages to the product or product packaging will be chargeable and shall be deducted before the refund can be processed.
  • To be eligible for a replacement, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it, It must be in the original packaging with all accessories.

  • Refund will be processed in 10 -12 working days and credited into your source account in 14-15 working days.

If you are the original purchaser of TV STB Product and you are not satisfied with our Product, you may email us at enquiry@tvstb.com for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) request within fourteen (14) days of receiving the product. Please include your original invoice number and order date in the email. we will then provide you with an RMA number and you may send the Product to the address listed on our website. All Products must be undamaged and in the original packaging, including all accessories. If you are eligible for a refund, you will receive the original product purchase price including any sales tax and excluding any costs of shipment and handling. If you return the product in bad condition or missing items we will charge you additional fees.

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